It is a self-administered Insurance Benefits Program for OWWA members.  The death benefit, burial gratuity, and disability assistance are integrated into one package of financial benefits.

The components of the program are the following:

  1. Death Benefit – insurance benefits to survivors of deceased OFWs who were active OWWA members at the time of death. The beneficiary is entitled to Php100,000.00 for deaths due to natural causes and Php200,000.00 for accidental death.
  1. Burial Gratuity – in addition to the death benefit, a funeral grant of Php20,000.00 is given to the beneficiaries of the deceased OFW to assist them in the decent burial of their loved ones.
  1. Disability Benefit – this could be availed of by the OFWs for any accident-related disabilities ranging from Php2,500.00 to Php25,000.00 for partial disability and from Php50,000.00 to Php100,000.00 for total/permanent disability.